Monday, November 13, 2006

Laundry and Edgar

Edgar, my sweet puppy, has a particular taste for clothing. Mostly his preferences seem to run to socks, but every once in a while he snags something more. And has even been caught skimming off the top of the laundry hamper and pulling out socks that were protruding through the little holes in the sides.

He went too far this weekend. Was in the bathroom, heard a "riiiiiiippppppp". Oh, no, what does he have now? Just so happened to be one of my very favorite shirts. A non-replaceable one that had been in the hamper...and get this...under some other things! So I have no idea how he got it without dislodging the rest of it. I don't think the shirt is fixable, either. Its along the bottom edge, near one of the sides. I was very upset.

So now we are on a laundry hamper search. Chad and I ususally put ours in the same hamper, so it has to be of a decent size, if there are vent holes, they have to be small, and most importantly, have a lid. I really wanted to find one yesterday, and you would think this would be an easy search. Evidently not. If we liked it, it had no lid. Lots were just too small. This was frustrating. I just wanted to fix this problem quickly! So I have been looking online some, and will stop today at the Container Store just around the corner from work. Maybe IKEA, too. We shall see how tired or inspired I am feeling.

I told Edgar that this will be the end of his clothing raids!

On a positive Edgar note...we were struggling with him greeting people. When he is in the house he was growling or barking until we introduced them and a little time had past. I didn't want to have to worry about him with new people in the house. So everytime someone new comes over, we have this little routine with him. Alison, my roommate, was having a group of people over on Sat and Sun this past weekend. Sat was girls from the sorority she advises, and Sun was freshman from Emory she advises. Chad was there Sat, and said it went pretty good. Edgar went with us in some of the laundry hamper search (he loves riding in the car, thank goodness). When we got back everyone was already there. He came in and was a little hesitant, but otherwise very good. Progress! By the time they were about to leave, he was wandering closer for petting, etc. So glad to see this. At least this is going well, even if the laundry and little bits of paper shredding isn't.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Here at work, the holidays are upon us. Holiday decorations went up in my mall before Halloween. Yes, we no longer get to enjoy Halloween without being decked out in green and red! Lucky us!

I have a problem here at work. Nothing to do with any of my current employees or the company. I am having an awful time finding holiday help. Its frustrating, as I just helped staff another store, a brand new store, and had no problem recruiting. But my own! Two people I was interested in hiring...well, one never returned my call (and we had already interviewed her), and the one I did get ahold of and make the offer to was supposed to come in and fill out paperwork on Saturday, and never did. And has yet to show up. I guess I can write her off, too. I made an offer to someone else that I thought was in the bag...not enough money. This is retail part-time we are looking at, people. What you do you expect?

I already find this the hardest time to work in retail, personally. Its difficult sacrificing a major part of your holidays to work. And it really does drain your holiday spirit to be around the decorations and music from Halloween to Christmas. It would try the most holiday-spirited person. I just don't need this part of this. I suppose that is part of the fun of being a manager. I guess it doesn't help that I have this cold dragging out since last week...I wish I could stop sniffling!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

New phone

The phone I have been eyeing since July has finally been released, (Motokrzr k1m) though I had to order it online unseen to get it. I must confess, I was awaiting its arrival anxiously. It finally came in yesterday (I had it shipped to work as I didn't want it sitting on my doorstep waiting for me), after a little bit of an address snafu. I went back in to pick it up, and I love it so far. Easy to hold, sounds clear, etc. I probably won't make much use of the V Cast features, but will use the camera some. I do wish it had a flash, though! Everyone that I have talked to so far said I sound good, clear, loud. I do wish I could have gotten it in the blue finish, but that is only GSM and Verizon is CDMA. Oh, well. Can't have everything! My finish is gunmetal, which is fine. And I finally have battery life again! I know, I could have bought a new battery for my old phone...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Edgar's Obedience Class, Part 3 & pandas!

I have to admit, I wasn't expecting anything too exciting to be on the front page of the Atlanta Journal Constitution when I picked it up this morning. Wrong! It turns out that the panda couple at the Atlanta Zoo finally had a baby yesterday! Yippee! I am thrilled, especially after watching the pandacam at the National Zoo in DC last year when they had a baby. Will definitely have to go to the zoo once the baby goes on exhibit.

Its hard to believe Edgar only has one class remaining--graduation day! We are to come prepared with tricks, to try to win a trick competition. I started working with him on "roll over", which he is picking up pretty fast. I want to ask Jeff how he taught Spike to play dead after you shoot him with your fingers in the shape of a gun and say "bang!". That would be great!

Let's see...we have been working on variations of stay, wait, and down. And continually working on walking on leash in heel. It was more difficult to do so this past weekend, as we were dog-sitting Davinci. Walking two dogs is infinitely more difficult than one, especially when they want to sniff everything. I did get them to eventually walk heeling, one on the left and the other on the right. Improvement!

We have been making an effort to get Edgar out into the doggy public more. A couple of weeks ago we went to a dog park with him for the first time and met up with my co-worker, Amber, and her dog, Zena. Edgar did really well, and we were most impressed with how he never strayed to far from us. He always kept us in sight. Even when I walked over to the water fountain to refill his bowl, he followed me there. He didn't play like we expected him to, but he may have been overwhelmed with all the dogs there, and it being his first time and all.

This past weekend we took the two boys to Henderson Park nearby for a walk. The trails were done by an Eagle Scout for his project...and were occasionally hard to follow which path you should take. We did meet quite a few other dogs on the trails, mostly off leash. Both dogs were very good around these loose dogs. Which was good, because I am unsure as to Davinci around some dogs, but maybe thats more just when he is at home, protecting home turf. And boy, were they hot and dirty when we were done! I just need to start keeping a towel in the car, I guess. Thank goodness I had something to cover the back seat from dirty paws.

Unfortunately for us, Tuesday seems to be the designated rain day every week, because, of course, we are outside. Doesn't life always work this way? So we had class during some slight rain sprinkles, it didn't end up too bad, thank goodness. At class this week, we started to work on "come". We must practice more during the week, Chad and I have been bad at this! Edgar does really well for the little we work with him. Shame on us! I have resolved to be better this week. He did play more in the pre-class play time. Finally getting more involved...and more tired. Which is the best part! Since I have the weekend off, I would like to get him to another dog park near us, this one supposedly has some of the obstacle course pieces, which I would really like to try with him. One dog training place in town does offer a course on that, which I am considering, but not till next summer or spring.

We should have a busy weekend. The Yellow Daisy Festival is going on at Stone Mountain Park, I may go alone or drag Chad (and I really do mean drag him along), and we are seeing a Cubs/Braves game on Saturday night. I am really excited about this, and it will be Chad's first baseball game. We bought seats from a season ticket holder, and they are great. Right over by third base and the dugout, section 102, row 2! Will have to take camera with and take some pictures of our seats and view. Chad and I also have a date planned for Sunday, he is picking the restaurant. Once I got Edgar, our social life has dropped off alot, its sort of like having a small child around at this stage, anyway. So I am really looking forward to that. I love weekends off! I feel more like a normal person, with a non-retail job!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Edgar's Obedience Class, Part 2

The night before Edgar's class, we had a big storm here in Atlanta. It started rumbling right as I went to bed, and the storm must have gotten alot closer after I fell asleep. I was abruptly woken up by a very loud crack of thunder, simultaneously with a very bright flash of lightning. It must have hit very close, to be so close together and so loud. I could hear sirens in the distance, and didn't think much of it. I should the fire trucks pulled into the townhouse complex, Edgar joined in the noise making by howling...for the first time ever. And boy, was he loud! It was the traditional howl, seated, head thrown back. I leaped towards the edge of the bed to shush him, because he was so loud. It certainly woke me up. So for a bit, I just laid there in bed, listening for the fire trucks and more sirens in the distance to come closer. Fortunately, none did and the fire trucks were not here overly long. In the morning, on my walk with Edgar, we didn't see anything here that the lightning hit. But yesterday, looking out of the kitchen window, Chad saw something covering part of the roof of another group of townhouses. So maybe it hit there?

I rearranged my schedule at work to be able to get home earlier, which was a big relief. Once Chad rolled in, we stopped at Wendy's to get dinner...and it was not as fast as we could have hoped. Isn't that always the case when you are in a hurry? Edgar travels in the back of Chad's SUV, with the seats laid down because we don't have anything to cover the seat with for muddy paws. He has two ways he likes to travel, the first one being leaning aganist the door/window, sort of looking/sniffing out. Or...with his chest pressed up aganist the center console between the seats, head on armrest or nose poked in by Chad's elbow. And like so many dogs, when you try to push him back some, he pushes forward even harder so I have given up and keep wiping the drool off the armrest. We did realize, however, that the GA Tech Jimmy John's is right on the way, so we will stop for dinner there next week.

We did make doggie play time this week. Yeah! Surprisingly, he didn't just leap into the fray, which is what I expected. He followed around some of the other dogs and actually....acted sort of like the leader. Tail up, breaking up dogs when they got into it to much, and barking occasionally at the others. Not what I thought he would do. I thought he would just dive in, like he wants to do with DaVinci.

This week's class focus was walking on a leash and heeling. Yippee! I had bought him a training collar in a previous class, and we were finally getting to use it. First, we had to show off our "stay". Edgar did pretty good, especially when you have a treat out for him (this week's treats was bits of hot dog, much easier to handle then smushy cheese bits). That treat gives him total focus. Our "stay" homework introduces distractions into the equation. She told us to do small ones, like wave our arms around, and medium ones, like someone else tossing a plastic bottle nearby. He can look, but not break the seated stay position. I think he will do ok.

Finally, the collar. I had to put it on him, since he is hesitant and a little nervous having her do it. When tighten, it pinches the neck some, and feels like mom's gently, reprimanding bite to a dog. Leash in right hand, around navel area, dog on left. You walk with him, and when he begins pulling ahead, you turn 180 degrees and the leash tightens the collar until he turns, too. So everyone in class looks pretty funny walking, turning, walking, turning. Edgar does pretty good.

We also have to "sit on the dog". This is an exercise we do at home, where we are seated doing something like watching TV, working on computer, reading, and Edgar is tied on a short leash to the chair we are seated in. Its so he can learn then when his people are distracted and his options are limited, the best thing to do is lay down and possibly nap. This we need. TV watching has become more difficult because he thinks that when we are on the sofa, that's close enough to him for play time.

On a non-Edgar note, I went shoe shopping on Sunday. Standing all day at work on a tile floor laid over concrete is killing me. Having to wear not-so-smart shoes doesn't help, either. And I am not supposed to wear my tennis shoes, as they are Nikes, and Nike is a competitor. So I had to find something. I ended up ordering a pair of Merrell Capers at REI since they didn't have my impossible size, 10.5, and buying a pair of casual (non boot) Timberlands. Which, when I got home, I wasn't sure about the fit. I stopped by REI again yesterday and had Chad pick up the 11 at the REI near him. Fits my left foot (the bigger foot) good, but big on my right. I can't win. Its probably because my feet are on the narrow end of medium. Maybe an insole will solve the extra room problem, because the length is ok. Why can't more shoe manufacturers make 10.5s? Why do half sizes end after 9.5? Its so frustrating!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Edgar's Obedience Class, Part 1

Edgar and I started his obedience classes last night. Getting to class proved difficult...

If anyone has driven through Atlanta when it rains, they know their travel time increases exponentially. It had rained some mid-afternoon, and I was hoping that would be all. But I wasn't that lucky...just as I left work to hurry home to get Edgar, it began raining again. So my commute home took forever. Over an hour, and normally its about 25 minutes. Argh! First off, it was an accident on the bridge over I-85. Why can't people just drive by? Why do they have to gawk, and slow everything down so much so those of us on a time line have problems? And of course, to compound the problem, I felt like I got stuck behind everyone determined to drive under the speed limit due to the rain...for which my wipers were on the lowest intermittant setting. Sigh.

Fortunately, at home I had prepped a little by leaving my shoes and change of shirt in the kitchen. I raced in, changed my shirt there in the kitchen, and grabbed Edgar for a quick potty run. He was very energetic, and I was in slippery, wet flip-flops trying not to slide out of my shoes or twist my ankle. Mission partially accomplished, I stuffed him in the car (first time in the back seat) and headed off for a fast food run at BK. He barked a couple of times at the drive through lady, and was very interested in my burger and fries. Oh, and get kid's meal came with a Furby. Yep, a furby. I didn't know they even made those anymore.

Onto 85, and we managed, thank goodness, to avoid any major traffic snarls. We arrived just as play time was ending. Poor Edgar! I had really wanted him to have this play time with the other dogs in class. All he ever wants to do when he sees another dog is introduce himself and play. And unfortunately for him, his most constant doggie companion, our friend's dog DaVinci, doesn't want to play. Hopefully traffic will work out next week and we can do play time.

I had my little container of smushy cheese bits for training treats, and off we went. We worked some on sit, which Edgar does pretty well (not prefectly), even when distracted. And when you pull out the cheese bits, then he does excellent. His focus is right on. When I pop the lid on the container he must smell them, 'cause his head whips right around. We even got complimented on his focus. If only he was more focused on walks and less on every interesting thing that crosses his path...Our homework for this coming week is stay. He has to stay put for one minute, in a distrationless place and with me standing right next to him.

Next week we work on walking and heeling...what we really need help on. With the training collar I bought for him at the end of class. I am not allowed to use it yet, not until our instructor shows us the proper technique. He does pull some, but mostly when he sees another dog as stated above...he just wants to say hello, so he pulls and pulls...sometimes ending up on his hind feet almost standing to get over there. Don't get me wrong, he hasn't been aggressive to the other dogs at all. And its funny, that once he greets them, when we meet again, he is less anxious to be re-acquainted.

He's napping now, so this is the best part of the day...I can get some things done.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Cystic Fibrosis Article

Rogue Protein May Be Key to Cystic Fibrosis

Fri Jul 7, 7:09 PM ET

FRIDAY, July 7 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. researchers say they've identified and controlled an overactive protein that may be a key player in cystic fibrosis (CF).

CF is a genetic disorder that interferes with the body's ability to transport chloride in and out of cells.

According to researchers at Johns Hopkins Children's Center, Baltimore, the newly identified protein, called VCP/pr97, kills a chloride transporter in the cells of most CF patients. This inability to transport chloride results in a dangerous buildup of thick, sticky mucous in several organs, including the pancreas and lungs. That can lead to the malnutrition, chronic lung infection and lung damage so often seen in CF patients.

In this test-tube study, the researchers used a tool called RNA interference to successfully intercept signals sent out by VCP/pr97. In doing so, they were able to prevent cell damage caused by the protein. The findings showed promise in restoring cells to normal status in CF patients, the team said.

"The hope is that these findings will be used to design therapies and drugs that go beyond symptoms management and actually restore normal cell function to prevent CF," senior investigator Dr. Pamela Zeitlin, a pulmonologist at Johns Hopkins Children's Center, said in a prepared statement.

However, it will take years before any treatments based on this research are developed or tested on animals or humans, she noted.

The study was published in the June 23 issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Crank caller

We have had a slightly disqueting morning here at work...last week, we received several prank calls who we had believed came from a friend of the store. He has called us before, joking about things, but its usually about product, not at all like these calls.

Amber had the first call, in which in a quiet, sickly-sounding voice he asked her what color her bra was. She responded, "excuse me?". She talked to him a moment more, and thought it was Sam. Asked what he was doing, he responded working at home (which Sam does). She said he must be pretty bored, and he responded that he was, that he was just laying around naked doing nothing. Did that bother her? She said no, she wasn't at his house. He called back two more times that day. Another thing that made it odd is that usually when we tell Sam we need to call him back, he says fine. This guy wanted to call us back in a few minutes.

I received another call, in which he asked again what color bra I was wearing. At first I couldn't understand him, he was so difficult to hear. When I did, I was disgusted and hung up immediately. I told Jen about it, and she mentioned the other calls and how they thought it was Sam. Oh, okay. Thought nothing further of it.

Till today. He called again, and got Kristin. She again thought it was Sam. Asked him what he was doing today, was he going to stop by? (Sam and Kristin do things more often together than the rest of us) She commented that she would be going on break around 2:30pm. At some later point, she started to get suspicious that it wasn't Sam. Asked him things like what was the color of her hair, her last name, what was her tattoo of. He got them all wrong. After the call she told me all of this, and we were definitely concerned. So it also turns out that he had called later last week and talked to her, and she was going on break, asked him to call her back on her cell phone. He said his phone was in his car, could she give the number to him so he woudn't have to run out to the car. She never did get any sort of call, prank or otherwise. She went into the office after we talked to call Sam, and he said it definitely wasn't him, and that he had been out of town even. She tried *69ing the call, and couldn't get the number.

By now we were definitely concerned and talked this over more with Amber when she came in for work. Since Chad was coming in to fix the hanger bars, I called and asked him if he could be here around 2:30, and he said he thought we should call security. So we did, and an ATL cop came up and we discussed everything with him. He told us to keep track of the times and frequencies of the calls, and that the even though the call was untraceable through *69 if we called the phone company they may be able to find out more for us.

Hopefully this guy won't show up at 2:30. How would we even really know if he did? So we are all decidely a little weirded out by all of this....and I am really glad that Chad is coming in soon, as none of our male staffers are in today. Will keep you posted!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


I am happy to report that I have my first little red cherry tomato from my potted plants! So far things have gone pretty well. I have had to water pretty much every night to keep the soil moist, for it has been very dry here (the last significant rains seemed to be when I picked up Edgar) and pretty warm.

Also, at Shelly's request, I have a picture of me with Edgar, so she can see how big he is. Chad has been reading the Cesar Milan book, Cesar's Way. So far (with him, anyway), he has Edgar walking on leash much better.

We went this past week to Screen on the Green here at Piedmont Park in Atlanta. Ferris Bueller was showing. It was packed...last time I went there was no where near that many people. We took Edgar (he did really good), and meet up with my roommate and some of her MBA friends.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Mom's Bandana

My Mom, the ever creative one, created this cute bandana for Edgar (its hard to see, but there are little dogs all over the fabric). I imagine her project was easier then mine, which was trying to take a picture of him wearing it while being home alone. He sits just fine, but stay is still a foreign concept for him, and as you can imagine, this made the picture taking a little difficult. I had a couple treats, to get his attention, but I think that it made things worse in that he was desperate to get to them. Anyway, he is super cute in it, and we wore it out to Petsmart this evening.

As for me, things are going fine. Nothing to exciting to report (other than running over a possom close to I-85 while on the phone with Nichole, I felt so awful!). I booked my tickets today to go home for Kristen's wedding, am leaving very early Friday morning and returning Monday evening. Will be nice to see everyone and be home for a weekend (and see a proper lake! Did you know that Georgia has no naturally occuring lakes?). I still don't know if I can make it home for my high school reunion in September, however much I would like to go. There is a chance Amber (one of my assistant managers) may be heading out to help open up another store...and if that's the case, I probably won't be able to make it. And I do want to go, see some old friends, etc. I will try though, Jaimee, I swear!

I actually had this last weekend off (trying to schedule so that my managers and I actually get that once in a while) and turned the weekend into "Chad's birthday weekend." We went over to Athens, GA on Saturday and bummed around. Ate an entirely too large Cold Stone Creamery concoction. But it was so good! Walked and drove around UGA some, its a beautiful campus, especially the older part. I had no idea that the campus was so huge, or how old the university was.

That evening we meet up with Chris and Sarah, and attempted to go bowling. But where we stopped was crazy loud and busy, and we decided to change our destination to Dave and Buster's. Chad was thrilled to see a PGA superstore had moved in next door...we had a lot of fun, we always do there. Its so easy to drop a good chunk of change there, what with the food, drinks and games. We go infrequently, so its not so bad. Oh, and I had one big accomplishment for the night...I actually hit the 100 spot in skee ball! First time ever for me! Sunday we bummed around some, and went shopping for some new clothes for Chad, just some basics like jeans, tees, etc. I was good, and didn't buy anything for me.

On his actual birthday, Monday, we had planned to go to a restaurant we liked in Decatur, called Noodle (really good, and reasonable), followed by Cold Stone (you can sign up for a free birthday creation), but were too tired, and just went to one of the closest restaurants, a Longhorn Steakhouse. I've never eaten there before, but my roommate loves it. And we had a free dessert coupon! I actually ordered a steak (you can pick your jaw up off the floor, Dad), and now I'm set, won't need to do that again for six months to a year. I can't help it, I still have to suppress thoughts that I am eating cow muscle...and ended the evening with the fantastic chocolate cookie dough cheesecake. Yum...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Finally! I have pictures to post of Edgar! Courtesy of my new digital camera (yeah! for getting a bonus--we made our month in April, and are on our way for May, too).

Friday, May 19, 2006

Book and recipe

Another update first, on Edgar...housetraining is making progress! He has gone downstairs to the front door several times now (on his own) to indicate that he has to go out. Yeah! He's been pretty good today, lots of nap time, which is great for me in that I can get some things done without keeping an eye on him. I think he really enjoyed being at Chris and Sarah's yesterday (fenced yard!), and I'm sure he will be pleased to go back tonight (Chad and I are dog-sitting this weekend). I'm not so sure about Davinci, though...he probably thinks he has rid himself of the puppy nuisance!

I read a book that was pretty good about a week or so ago. Nichole, I think you in particular will like it. I've been trying to expand my horizons in reading, and not stick with the same old familiar authors.

Full of Grace
by Dorothea Benton Frank
a William Morrow Book (an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers)

Grace has moved from New York to Charleston at the convincing of her father, who in his retirement has moved to Hilton Head. Grace's family is a piece of work...very strongly Italian. Her father and grandmother seem to walk all over her mother (and Nonna is Mom's mother, too!). Grace has sometimes difficult relations with her family, especially over their Catholic religion. She has been dating (and now lives with) a wonderful man named Michael who is a doctor that does...gasp!...stem cell research. Another black mark (to her family) is that he's Irish (not Italian) and has fallen away from the church. They have been together a couple years, and her family has yet to even meet Michael. Over the span of the book, things happen to Grace and Michael that cause both of them to question what they believe...with a little help from a few people.

I can't go into much detail, it gives away to much to do so. But its a good book, makes you look inside yourself and into what you believe. So, I recommend it.

And now, the recipe...I keep trying lately to find some new things to try. This was in Ali's Better Homes and Gardens 75th Anniversary edition. Both she and Chad proclaimed that they were very good.

Nun's Puffs
1/2 cup butter
1 cup milk
3/4 cup flour
4 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
honey (optional, we used it, it was great)

1. Generously grease twelve 2 1/2 in muffin cups, including the edge and around the top of each cup; set aside. In a medium saucepan melt butter; add milk. Bring to boiling. Add flour all at once, stirring vigorously. Cook and stir until mixture forms a ball that does not separate. Remove from heat; cool for 5 minutes.
2. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating for 1 minute with a wooden spoon after each addition or until smooth. Divide dough evenly amoung prepared muffin cups, filling cups about two-thirds full; sprinkle with sugar.
3. Bake in 375 degree oven about 30 minutes or until golden brown and puffy. Remove from pan. Serve immediately. If desired, serve with honey. ( I lightly drizzled honey over puff.)

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Dear Friend of the CF Foundation,

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation needs your assistance recruiting representatives to join the newly established Congressional Cystic Fibrosis Caucus. The caucus is co-chaired by two friends of the CF Foundation who are champions for people with CF: Rep. Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Rep. Cliff Stearns of Florida. You too can play a role in launching the Congressional CF Caucus and making it a success, by encouraging your representative to join.

A caucus is an informal group of legislators organized to promote a specific subject or issue. Caucuses operate outside the official Congressional committee structure, but can play an important role in stimulating collective action. The Congressional CF Caucus will serve as a forum for educating members of Congress about CF, prompting action on legislation related to CF research and care, and building general awareness of and support for CF research.

Please contact your representative to ask him/her to join the Congressional CF Caucus. We would like to have new caucus members on board by the middle of June, so we ask you to write or call your representative within the next few weeks. Click here for instructions on how to take action. This information is available at

Also, for an update on other CF Foundation public policy initiatives, you can click on "Update on Public Policy Activities" at the following link: Please do not hesitate to contact us at (800) FIGHT CF or with any questions you might have.

Thank you for supporting the Congressional CF Caucus!


Suzanne R. Pattee, J.D.
Vice President of Public Policy & Patient Affairs
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, National Office
6931 Arlington Road
Bethesda, MD 20814

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New Member of Family

Sorry its been so long...but my Mom visited for a week (which was fantastic!) and I got a four month old puppy.

I adopted him a week and a half ago...and I have new respect for new parents. I know that having a new puppy is by no means as time consuming as parenthood, but it gives you a window into it. His name is Edgar, and he is 26 lbs (as of last Friday at the vet's) of fuzzy, black energy. He has this funny strip of smoother hair running down the center of his back, which I am assuming is the beginning of his adult hair. The foster home he was in thought he had some Keeshond in him, due the markings on his siblings. He could have some shepherd in him, but its still hard to tell. I think he'll be around 40 lbs, not as big as a Lab or German Shepard, but bigger than our Cocker Spaniels. Will post some pictures soon.

We are settling into some sort of a routine, including up at 6am every morning for a potty run and breakfast (for him). And lots and lots of walks, because I don't have a fenced yard for him to run in. Fortunately friends of ours do, so he will have some free time. Yesterday, I worked late, so Chad came by to let him out (but don't let that deceive you...he loves spending time with Edgar). He had quite a night with him, I guess. He said he was going nuts inside, just tons of energy to expend. Chad will run with him some (and when we are at the park, he is explosive...rocket dog!)...but last night, somehow Chad didn't have a good grip on the leash and Edgar was running and pulled away. So Chad was running after him, and he's not easy to see, being a black dog. So he said he was following the flapping red leash. And evidently he has a special affinity for a certain tree, and made a beeline for it, where Chad caught up with him. He then proceeded to take him around our townhouse loop four times, running (4/10ths of a mile, once around), so almost two miles, not including what they had already done. Needless to say, Edgar is great for getting both of us in shape.

More to follow...almost time for another walk.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Good news for CF

Dear Friend of the CF Foundation,

We are pleased to report that the median survival age of people with cystic fibrosis has risen to 36.8 years--up from 35.1 in 2004!

For decades, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has tracked the health and longevity of patients treated through its innovative care center network. Caregivers at these centers collect confidential vital statistics about the health of CF patients, which skilled statisticians then analyze and publish in the annual CF Foundation Patient Registry Report.

As an interesting perspective, in the last four years alone, we have added more than five years to the median survival age of CF patients.

We attribute the improvement in both the length and quality of life to the fact that there are now more CF therapies than ever before--largely developed with the CF Foundation’s support--and even more on the horizon. In addition, the standardization of care and the implementation of “best practices” throughout our care center network also are having an impact.

We will not rest until we reach the point when people are no longer losing their lives to cystic fibrosis. Today’s trend of continuous improvement suggests that we are getting closer to reaching that goal.

Thank you for your interest and support of the CF Foundation’s mission. Together, we are adding tomorrows every day to the lives of those with CF.


Robert J. Beall, Ph.D., President and CEO

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

6931 Arlington Road

Bethesda, MD 20814

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I did it! I am now officially the manager of the store I have been working at.
Have to get ready for more details to follow.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I am watching a show on the SciFi channel, which one is not important. They are advertising for a British show to appear on the channel, Dr. Who. Don't know much about it, but the main character asks, "would you rather go backwards or forwards in time?". As a vacation, or something, I guess.

So...which would you rather? Backwards or forwards?

Monday, March 13, 2006

Trash in the yard

I admit, I take a slightly circuitous way to my job. But, I do so for a reason: avoid busier roads with more stop lights. And the mostly crowded Atlanta highways. And for the most part, I drive through normal suburbia: nice houses with decent yards, big trees, and the occasional apartment complex and shopping center. But, since late last week, there has been a puzzle...

On the second to last suburban road that I take, Clairmont, in a pretty nice neighborhood (some truly large yards, which if you are familiar at all with ITP Atlanta, is rare), there is what looks to be an entire households contents dumped onto the front yard. And its not even as if they just opened the front door and threw things out, these items are a ways from the house, close and right up the main road, which gets a good deal of traffic. My Dad says, after I mentioned it to him, that someone probably got evicted. Which is probably true...but as Chad (especially) would tell you, I'm a curious soul. So I want to know, but I know I probably never will.

What does the clutter consist of? Well, lots and lots of paper. And furniture, tossed all helter skelter, on its side or upside down. I have only seen two people in and amongst this stuff. All told, about 50'x50'. So, lots of stuff. The first one looked to be a smallish lady, just wandering about the stuff, a day or so after everything appeared. The second was a man, from what I assumed was his SUV parked in the driveway. Neither seemed to be taking anything, or looking for something specific, just wandering around in it.

Even if this was an eviction, it seems so sad, all these things. Someone's life just dumped unceremoniously in a yard, for the whole world to drive by, see, and speculate. And the things themselves seem so lost, too. You almost want to avert your eyes, in embarassment for the people and things involved. I wish it would get cleaned up...this little tragedy on my way to work.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Andrew Wyeth

Chad and I visited the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, yesterday, for the last day of their Andrew Wyeth exhibit. I was only slightly familiar with his work previously, mostly only Christina's World.
He creates this incredible depth in his work, especially in grasses and earth. He paints with egg tempera, a very old technique. You literally mix the pigment with an egg yolk and distilled water. I had seen tempera before, but mostly in medieval or other similiarly old paintings. Evidently, it is a very "dry" technique, and can take up to six months to dry completely. After fully drying, it becomes incredibly hard, and they told us you could take a scrub brush to it and it would be fine. Which is pretty amazing.

And I loved this painting:

Okay, so this image is a little small, sorry. But evidently he painted a lot of "thresholds", like doors, windows, etc., viewpoints on the world outside. You really felt like you were sitting there, perhaps at your kitchen table, looking out this window. There was such a feeling of movement about the curtains.

Also nice to walk through and see the marble statues. I have been reading a book during my lunch at work about the quarries where Michelangelo got his marble, in Italy. The writer also spoke of the process of creating marble staturary, the different kinds of marble from throughout the world, finishing processes, etc. So it had made me very interested in seeing a marble statue closer. Oh, and the temptation of touching! I have always felt that way in museums...I desperately want to touch the paintings, the sculpture...everything. But, of course, I don't. Sigh.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Friday I saw the oddest thing...a pink recycling truck. Yes, pink. How does that poor driver feel? Probably not very manly...

So to round out this oddity...ran across this website a bit ago:

Monday, February 20, 2006

Heather's Birthday

In honor of my sister's birthday tomorrow, on which she would have been is a few recent article about cystic fibrosis.

I find it hard to believe that she would have been 26. And that it has almost been two years since we lost her. I think of her constantly. Losing your sibling is so hard, and I can only hope that everyone appreciates the gift that their own siblings are. I know its hard to appreciate something you have, and easier to appreciate once it is lost. Its sad that it is this way, because we all need to hear and express our love for each other while we still can.

Heather, I miss you so much. Can't wait till I can see you again someday.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Your Word started very well. I went to church. Came home, and Chad helped me get my things together to move most of it to Alison't house. He was to be moving the big things, like my bed, next Saturday, with help from one of our friends. We made two trips to Alison's, cooked dinner, and he watched some football and I straightened up some in my room, to create room for the bed. Then, out in my car, I had been charging my phone. Two messages. One from yesterday, when I had tried to call Chad. The second, from Gina, my roommate (where I was moving from). She said Jennifer had called, and would not be moving in. And that she had committed herself to someone else! Something about wanting to get started sooner, and she had wanted to start moving in today! And her job situation...let me show you what was in an email from Jennifer, sent to Gina (cc'd to me):

What are my options for moving in? I am somewhat flexible.
If the old roommate needs to wait until the weekend after the 1st of feb.
because feb. 1 is in the middle of the week - that would work for me."

If she had said anything about wanting to be in this weekend, I would have been out. But, I see no reference to urgency. Do you? She had mentioned earlier in this email (which was a collection of emails between her and Gina) that she was concerned about the small size of the room and and closet. I called Chad, incensed. We feel that she had second thoughts and and reconsidered. How rude is this woman? She tells us yes, and sets us all up. The three of us, and Alison. Chad, who helped me move. Chris, who committed to helping next weekend. What good is someone's word?

And of course, Gina would argue that mine is crap, too. That I agreed to be here through the end of my sublease. Which, it turns out, I should have read better. It locks me in until she finds someone. I have since found out that most subleases have a 30 day clause in them for finding someone. At the time I signed it, it didn't matter. I didn't think I would move. But I didn't remember...I am stifled. Embittered, like her. I feel I have no space. She would tell me that I needed to rearrange my room so it looked more spacious when people came through. Living here is not mentally healthy for me. Especially with my mental history. And I can't just move over to Alison's. I can't afford the double rent. And if I moved over, tried to swing it, what would be her incentive to find someone? It would be what she would want: the empty room. So, for wanting to escape and move out, this is all my fault. I am the bad guy, not the girl who gave a commitment to move in and backed out. Gina even had the nerve to say she thought she was nice...can she be serious? We all want this to be over!

Did I mention I moved out pretty much everything? That I am down to a bare minimum? That includes food. This situation can't be more horrid. I never want to leave my room. There is no escape. I am so happy everyday to go to work. In fact, I can't wait.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Wow. I didn't realize that it really had been two months since I have posted anything! I will plead work as a contributor to that, the holiday season in retail is always a killer. We then followed that with inventory right away in January, and the same week our district manager visited. Which meant everything had to be perfect, and clean. So now that that is all done, I can resume my life!

I have discovered a couple of blogs at USA Today online. One is Pop Candy, an entertainment blog, and the other, Weather Guys. A blog about the weather? Yes, and it's more interesting then you might think. They had a link from yesterday that I will include here, in honor of the snow my parents received last night: . It has the most beautiful pictures of snow crystals.

I can also share the wonderful news that my search for a roommate at the house I am living in has been concluded this past week. Yeah! So I will finish (with assistance) transferring everything back to Alison's this coming week and weekend. This news makes me so happy, its tiresome living with half your stuff at one place, the other half elsewhere. And friends of mine just moved five minutes away from the townhouse, so that will be really nice. Sarah and I have plans to walk together. So much easier to stay committed to exercise when you have a partner!