Saturday, June 17, 2006


I am happy to report that I have my first little red cherry tomato from my potted plants! So far things have gone pretty well. I have had to water pretty much every night to keep the soil moist, for it has been very dry here (the last significant rains seemed to be when I picked up Edgar) and pretty warm.

Also, at Shelly's request, I have a picture of me with Edgar, so she can see how big he is. Chad has been reading the Cesar Milan book, Cesar's Way. So far (with him, anyway), he has Edgar walking on leash much better.

We went this past week to Screen on the Green here at Piedmont Park in Atlanta. Ferris Bueller was showing. It was packed...last time I went there was no where near that many people. We took Edgar (he did really good), and meet up with my roommate and some of her MBA friends.


Anonymous said...

Very cute pictures, Manda! I did some gardening this morning, too! Weeded and hoed our onions, corn, and tomato plants. Hope they turn out!
Mowed our lawn, too. Downside of a huge lawn is it took abou 3 hours on the riding mower to cut it all. Wish I had my old mower back... oh well!


Nichelle said...

Thanks for the pics Amanda! Edgar is getting to be a really big boy! We're still working on finalizing details with our trip and then our BIG trip....we'll see what happens. We leave for Europe soon!

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