Friday, August 25, 2006

Edgar's Obedience Class, Part 2

The night before Edgar's class, we had a big storm here in Atlanta. It started rumbling right as I went to bed, and the storm must have gotten alot closer after I fell asleep. I was abruptly woken up by a very loud crack of thunder, simultaneously with a very bright flash of lightning. It must have hit very close, to be so close together and so loud. I could hear sirens in the distance, and didn't think much of it. I should the fire trucks pulled into the townhouse complex, Edgar joined in the noise making by howling...for the first time ever. And boy, was he loud! It was the traditional howl, seated, head thrown back. I leaped towards the edge of the bed to shush him, because he was so loud. It certainly woke me up. So for a bit, I just laid there in bed, listening for the fire trucks and more sirens in the distance to come closer. Fortunately, none did and the fire trucks were not here overly long. In the morning, on my walk with Edgar, we didn't see anything here that the lightning hit. But yesterday, looking out of the kitchen window, Chad saw something covering part of the roof of another group of townhouses. So maybe it hit there?

I rearranged my schedule at work to be able to get home earlier, which was a big relief. Once Chad rolled in, we stopped at Wendy's to get dinner...and it was not as fast as we could have hoped. Isn't that always the case when you are in a hurry? Edgar travels in the back of Chad's SUV, with the seats laid down because we don't have anything to cover the seat with for muddy paws. He has two ways he likes to travel, the first one being leaning aganist the door/window, sort of looking/sniffing out. Or...with his chest pressed up aganist the center console between the seats, head on armrest or nose poked in by Chad's elbow. And like so many dogs, when you try to push him back some, he pushes forward even harder so I have given up and keep wiping the drool off the armrest. We did realize, however, that the GA Tech Jimmy John's is right on the way, so we will stop for dinner there next week.

We did make doggie play time this week. Yeah! Surprisingly, he didn't just leap into the fray, which is what I expected. He followed around some of the other dogs and actually....acted sort of like the leader. Tail up, breaking up dogs when they got into it to much, and barking occasionally at the others. Not what I thought he would do. I thought he would just dive in, like he wants to do with DaVinci.

This week's class focus was walking on a leash and heeling. Yippee! I had bought him a training collar in a previous class, and we were finally getting to use it. First, we had to show off our "stay". Edgar did pretty good, especially when you have a treat out for him (this week's treats was bits of hot dog, much easier to handle then smushy cheese bits). That treat gives him total focus. Our "stay" homework introduces distractions into the equation. She told us to do small ones, like wave our arms around, and medium ones, like someone else tossing a plastic bottle nearby. He can look, but not break the seated stay position. I think he will do ok.

Finally, the collar. I had to put it on him, since he is hesitant and a little nervous having her do it. When tighten, it pinches the neck some, and feels like mom's gently, reprimanding bite to a dog. Leash in right hand, around navel area, dog on left. You walk with him, and when he begins pulling ahead, you turn 180 degrees and the leash tightens the collar until he turns, too. So everyone in class looks pretty funny walking, turning, walking, turning. Edgar does pretty good.

We also have to "sit on the dog". This is an exercise we do at home, where we are seated doing something like watching TV, working on computer, reading, and Edgar is tied on a short leash to the chair we are seated in. Its so he can learn then when his people are distracted and his options are limited, the best thing to do is lay down and possibly nap. This we need. TV watching has become more difficult because he thinks that when we are on the sofa, that's close enough to him for play time.

On a non-Edgar note, I went shoe shopping on Sunday. Standing all day at work on a tile floor laid over concrete is killing me. Having to wear not-so-smart shoes doesn't help, either. And I am not supposed to wear my tennis shoes, as they are Nikes, and Nike is a competitor. So I had to find something. I ended up ordering a pair of Merrell Capers at REI since they didn't have my impossible size, 10.5, and buying a pair of casual (non boot) Timberlands. Which, when I got home, I wasn't sure about the fit. I stopped by REI again yesterday and had Chad pick up the 11 at the REI near him. Fits my left foot (the bigger foot) good, but big on my right. I can't win. Its probably because my feet are on the narrow end of medium. Maybe an insole will solve the extra room problem, because the length is ok. Why can't more shoe manufacturers make 10.5s? Why do half sizes end after 9.5? Its so frustrating!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wear men's shoes? I don't know if the shoes are manufactured differently or tailored to specific gender differences in our feet and leg structures....