Monday, February 20, 2006

Heather's Birthday

In honor of my sister's birthday tomorrow, on which she would have been is a few recent article about cystic fibrosis.

I find it hard to believe that she would have been 26. And that it has almost been two years since we lost her. I think of her constantly. Losing your sibling is so hard, and I can only hope that everyone appreciates the gift that their own siblings are. I know its hard to appreciate something you have, and easier to appreciate once it is lost. Its sad that it is this way, because we all need to hear and express our love for each other while we still can.

Heather, I miss you so much. Can't wait till I can see you again someday.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

I've been thinking about Heather and her birthday for the past few days. I miss her. I was just thinking the other day about her Bachelorette party. That was such a nice time.

Nichelle said...

Hey Amanda. Yeah, it's been tough with out Heather-feather. I'm glad that I got to visit with your parents and grandparents and Jeff on the 2 yr. anniversary of her death. It's hard to believe that so much has happened... I had a dream last night with her in it. I got to see her again and gave her a hug and cried in my dream and she said that she was fine -- she was just waiting for me and had her own life going on right now... Dreams are interesting things...