Friday, May 19, 2006

Book and recipe

Another update first, on Edgar...housetraining is making progress! He has gone downstairs to the front door several times now (on his own) to indicate that he has to go out. Yeah! He's been pretty good today, lots of nap time, which is great for me in that I can get some things done without keeping an eye on him. I think he really enjoyed being at Chris and Sarah's yesterday (fenced yard!), and I'm sure he will be pleased to go back tonight (Chad and I are dog-sitting this weekend). I'm not so sure about Davinci, though...he probably thinks he has rid himself of the puppy nuisance!

I read a book that was pretty good about a week or so ago. Nichole, I think you in particular will like it. I've been trying to expand my horizons in reading, and not stick with the same old familiar authors.

Full of Grace
by Dorothea Benton Frank
a William Morrow Book (an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers)

Grace has moved from New York to Charleston at the convincing of her father, who in his retirement has moved to Hilton Head. Grace's family is a piece of work...very strongly Italian. Her father and grandmother seem to walk all over her mother (and Nonna is Mom's mother, too!). Grace has sometimes difficult relations with her family, especially over their Catholic religion. She has been dating (and now lives with) a wonderful man named Michael who is a doctor that does...gasp!...stem cell research. Another black mark (to her family) is that he's Irish (not Italian) and has fallen away from the church. They have been together a couple years, and her family has yet to even meet Michael. Over the span of the book, things happen to Grace and Michael that cause both of them to question what they believe...with a little help from a few people.

I can't go into much detail, it gives away to much to do so. But its a good book, makes you look inside yourself and into what you believe. So, I recommend it.

And now, the recipe...I keep trying lately to find some new things to try. This was in Ali's Better Homes and Gardens 75th Anniversary edition. Both she and Chad proclaimed that they were very good.

Nun's Puffs
1/2 cup butter
1 cup milk
3/4 cup flour
4 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
honey (optional, we used it, it was great)

1. Generously grease twelve 2 1/2 in muffin cups, including the edge and around the top of each cup; set aside. In a medium saucepan melt butter; add milk. Bring to boiling. Add flour all at once, stirring vigorously. Cook and stir until mixture forms a ball that does not separate. Remove from heat; cool for 5 minutes.
2. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating for 1 minute with a wooden spoon after each addition or until smooth. Divide dough evenly amoung prepared muffin cups, filling cups about two-thirds full; sprinkle with sugar.
3. Bake in 375 degree oven about 30 minutes or until golden brown and puffy. Remove from pan. Serve immediately. If desired, serve with honey. ( I lightly drizzled honey over puff.)


Anonymous said...

I might have to look that book up!
We've got a huge used book store in Oscoda, but who knows how I would ever find it? (The book, that is. The store is incedibly disorganized, piles and piles of books everywhere!) Or, hmmm... there is a library. I've not really ever gotten in the habit of a library, but... who knows, it could work!


Anonymous said...

The receipe sounds like a basic cream puff one only done in a muffin pan rather that on a cookie sheet.
Aunt Carol