Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Here at work, the holidays are upon us. Holiday decorations went up in my mall before Halloween. Yes, we no longer get to enjoy Halloween without being decked out in green and red! Lucky us!

I have a problem here at work. Nothing to do with any of my current employees or the company. I am having an awful time finding holiday help. Its frustrating, as I just helped staff another store, a brand new store, and had no problem recruiting. But my own store...help! Two people I was interested in hiring...well, one never returned my call (and we had already interviewed her), and the one I did get ahold of and make the offer to was supposed to come in and fill out paperwork on Saturday, and never did. And has yet to show up. I guess I can write her off, too. I made an offer to someone else that I thought was in the bag...not enough money. This is retail part-time we are looking at, people. What you do you expect?

I already find this the hardest time to work in retail, personally. Its difficult sacrificing a major part of your holidays to work. And it really does drain your holiday spirit to be around the decorations and music from Halloween to Christmas. It would try the most holiday-spirited person. I just don't need this part of this. I suppose that is part of the fun of being a manager. I guess it doesn't help that I have this cold dragging out since last week...I wish I could stop sniffling!

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