Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New Member of Family

Sorry its been so long...but my Mom visited for a week (which was fantastic!) and I got a four month old puppy.

I adopted him a week and a half ago...and I have new respect for new parents. I know that having a new puppy is by no means as time consuming as parenthood, but it gives you a window into it. His name is Edgar, and he is 26 lbs (as of last Friday at the vet's) of fuzzy, black energy. He has this funny strip of smoother hair running down the center of his back, which I am assuming is the beginning of his adult hair. The foster home he was in thought he had some Keeshond in him, due the markings on his siblings. He could have some shepherd in him, but its still hard to tell. I think he'll be around 40 lbs, not as big as a Lab or German Shepard, but bigger than our Cocker Spaniels. Will post some pictures soon.

We are settling into some sort of a routine, including up at 6am every morning for a potty run and breakfast (for him). And lots and lots of walks, because I don't have a fenced yard for him to run in. Fortunately friends of ours do, so he will have some free time. Yesterday, I worked late, so Chad came by to let him out (but don't let that deceive you...he loves spending time with Edgar). He had quite a night with him, I guess. He said he was going nuts inside, just tons of energy to expend. Chad will run with him some (and when we are at the park, he is explosive...rocket dog!)...but last night, somehow Chad didn't have a good grip on the leash and Edgar was running and pulled away. So Chad was running after him, and he's not easy to see, being a black dog. So he said he was following the flapping red leash. And evidently he has a special affinity for a certain tree, and made a beeline for it, where Chad caught up with him. He then proceeded to take him around our townhouse loop four times, running (4/10ths of a mile, once around), so almost two miles, not including what they had already done. Needless to say, Edgar is great for getting both of us in shape.

More to follow...almost time for another walk.


Nichelle said...

HA! Wow, it sounds like quite the adventure for poor Chad! I can't wait to see pics!


Anonymous said...

Let's see Edgar, let's see Edgar!

He sounds really energetic! Let's see how cute he is!
