Sunday, August 07, 2005

Our Trip to Atlanta Zoo

Chad and I went to the Atlanta Zoo ( today. It was one of my infrequent weekend days off (one of the perks of retail management). I was really concerned about the weather, as rain was predicted and it was pretty grey looking. So we packed up our cooler and headed off, umbrellas in hand.

We had alot of fun. It is a sort of small zoo (I guess since visiting the San Diego Zoo, zoos will seem small), but well done. Chad's favorite animals were the elephants. They were very red, due to rolling around in the red Georgia earth. Later in the day, in the Elephant House, we saw one of them painting. But we could only stomach that for so long, as it was rather fragrent. Dad, we did see a red tailed hawk, and would have watched the bird show it was in, but it rained.

We saw several babies, including two Orangutans and Golden Tamerins. There had been hope that the Panda was pregnant (and that would have been number 3 in America, after the National Zoo in Washington and another in San Diego), but alas, it was a false pregnancy. Seeing a baby panda would have been great!

Later, it did rain, and pretty hard. We huddled under an overhang with our umbrellas for awhile, then beat a retreat to a nearby pavilion. It did let up and dry out somewhat, so we were able to finish wandering around.

This is a link that will (hopefully) connect you with our pictures at ofoto.

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