Sunday, August 28, 2005

March of the Penguins

My roommate, Gina, and I went and saw a matinee of March of the Penguins today. Loved it. Loved Morgan Freeman narrating, and am watching him on "Inside the Actor's Studio" right now (he is so fantastic!).

I knew some things previously about emperor penguins, couldn't tell you exactly from where. I knew they are the largest penguin species, and that the father does alot of the intial care. What I didn't know was about their 70 mile journey to more stable ice for their breeding grounds, that Mom and Dad take turns making journeys back and forth to the water's edge for food for themselves and baby, and so much more. It was fascinating, amusing, and occasionally heart-rending. I know its incredibly cold there, but they showed the egg freezing and cracking in the cold during a botched transfer attempt between Mom and Dad...heart breaking. But, oh, when the babies hatched! Impossibly cute. Small, soft looking, fuzzy. And immense personality. When they finally venture out, they toddle around, unsure and curious. I could go on and on...

So, I highly recommend the movie. Not a "chick flick". Seriously good, compelling, and such a perspective on such a difficult life. It's amazing what these penguins go through...and how cute they are.

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