Monday, August 15, 2005

Chickens and Paychecks

So...was driving home from work on, I believe, Friday. It was sort of raining, depending on where you were in metro Atlanta. Like it has been for a long time. Its funny, starts out a gorgeous, sunny day, and by the time myself and all other Atlantans head home, the afternoon rain has started. In some places, its that nice, gentle summer rain. Then you also encounter the torrential rain which makes the streets into rivers overflowing the curbs. Lots of fun. But this was a moderate spot of rain. You know those clear plastic shelters for people waiting for the bus? Well, out of the corner of my eye I noticed movement near the ground. I had enough time for a passing glance...and it was a chicken. Seriously, right in pratically the middle of Emory's campus and hospital complex. Flapping it's wings (Dad said it turned the shelter into a chicken coop!). And you know, chickens are pretty distinctive silhouette-wise, so I know I'm right. It was just so odd, such a funny thing. A chicken there, in the middle of all that.

So my paycheck is late. Was supposed to get it on Friday. Planned my lunch around running it to the bank. Never arrived. Emailed someone, and he called to talk to me about it. He also called back after I had left for the day, and something had been wrong with it and they had cut a new one and it should arrive by FedEx on Saturday. No arrival. I do have today off, and I keep waiting for the phone to ring and for them to say, hey, it's here. Nothing yet, and its 1pm. Frustrating. There are little errands I need to run, like an oil change, and I can't, my hands are tied. You never realize how you count on that money to be there on time isn't. At least I am not as bad off as a co-worker of mine, evidently her time sheet wasn't faxed and who knows when her check will arrive. Going on evidence, I guess who knows when mine will arrive, too?

Frustrated. No way to spend a day off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy, chickens in the city? You must have flown to coop!

Did your paycheck finally come in? I sure hope so. Have a great weekend.

