Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Westminster Dog Show

So here I sit, in Georgia, and knowing that my Mom is watching the dog show, too, 812 miles away in Michigan.

They just played another of those Pedigree ads promotin dog adoptions. It just rips my heart out every time...those sweet, lonely faces peering at you through the kennel doors. Sigh. Glad I saved Edgar from that. I can hear him and Chad playing downstairs. He has this little excited noise he makes...he can actually be a pretty vocal dog. Especially when he wants something from you, like going out on the deck, out for a walk, or just some attention. Not so much barking as whiny, yippy noises. Hard to explain. He certainly lets you know, though!

I do have my favorite to win, an English Springer Spaniel with the call name James. Love him. Remember him from other dog shows. He is ranked #2 dog in the country, and his rival, #1 dog Harry, a Dandie Dinmont Terrier, is partially owned by Bill Cosby.

Herding group now. We think Edgar looks somewhat like the Belgian Sheepdog. Their nose is a little longer, and ears stand up. Edgar's tail tends to curl over more, too.

Chad gave Edgar a bath this Sunday (I had to work). It was his first experience with bathing Edgar. I told him some pointers, like don't let him just go after the bath, that he will rub himself all over everything. He said it went pretty well, that he thought it would be better as a two person job. I don't agree, the bathroom is so small, I don't know how both of us could be up close to the tub. I do agree with one of his comments: that it takes longer to clean the bathroom up afterwards then it does to bathe Edgar. And Chad was braver then I: he used my hairdryer on him some. I let him air-dry. Of course, Edgar wasn't too crazy about it, he said he kept circling the bathroom trying to escape him, until he finally cowered in the corner. Poor baby!

My store is almost finished with its re-modeling. Yes, I know it isn't even two years old yet. But they changed three things: cabinet/counter added to the wall space behind the cash wrap, and two new eyewear walls that will make things much more open to the customer interacting with the product. Will be glad when it is done this Wednesday evening. We originally going to close the store, but then they changed their minds and the crew did overnight work with a security guard there. Started last Wednesday. Here's hoping it makes a big difference in sales...

Bouvier won the herding group. Best in Show next. Go James!

Another sad commercial with adoptable dogs. Breaks my heart, have to mute it. Sometimes consider a second dog...but have decided I couldn't do it until we had our own space, and preferably a yard. Or maybe lived right across from a dog park...don't see that happening in the near future, though.

James won! Yea!


Anonymous said...

Loved James, too! What a beautiful dog!

Anonymous said...

Great work.