Thursday, February 22, 2007


Kind of a difficult week here.

Work has been tiring. We have started to receive new spring apparel, and its just exhausting checking it in, moving the boxes around and around, finding places to put it in the front and back of store. And we aren't done yet!

Heather's birthday was Wednesday. I...well, I did okay most of the day. Thought of her some, was distracted some by trying to start doing my taxes and by attending a baseball game. One of my employees pitches for Georgia State, and he had invited Chad and I to a game he was pitching Wednesday. Chad couldn't go, he is currently in South Carolina for work. So, since I had the day off, I went on my own. I did have fun, despite being a little chilly. Should have brought one more was killing me, seeing a few people in short sleeves and such. Impossible! They did win. I didn't stick around to much, his dad was there and I didn't want to intrude. But once I reached the car, I could feel all of what I had been suppressing about Heather all day begin to surface, and I knew I wouldn't be able to control it. I made it through Publix and ordering Chinese food, but once I was home, I was pretty much done. How to describe this? It was there, inside me, sucking and pulling at my insides. Oh, how I miss her. I talked to Jeff while I was at the game. There is so much I wish I could tell her, and discuss with her. No more chances for such things. People just don't know what they stand to loose sometimes. How can you? If you keep thinking that, it would drag you down.

Anyway, so I find out today that my grandpa, who has been having health issues some related to his heart, had visited a cardiologist. And he needs an angiogram and, depending on how that goes, an angioplasty and stent. And I just finished the article in February's National Geographic about hearts and heart disease...I still haven't figured out if that was a good thing or not. You know more, but that can also mean that you are more scared, too. This is certainly one of the times I wish I lived closer to healthy, Grandpa. I am praying for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a tough day for us, too. Love you and like you, Heathie! Mom