Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cystic Fibrosis Article

Dear Friend,

We are pleased to tell you that The Cleveland Plain Dealer recently published a story about the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s efforts to fight cystic fibrosis with major investments in drug research. The article describes the Foundation’s innovative business model, which entices companies to get involved in CF research by offering early-stage funding and reducing their financial risk.

The story, “Venture philanthropy targets a cure,” features the Foundation’s $9 million investment in an important potential gene therapy for CF—one of more than 25 promising therapies in our drug discovery and development pipeline. The story highlights the business relationship between the Foundation and Copernicus Therapeutics, Inc., the company researching the gene therapy, and mentions that since 2001, the Foundation has invested $200 million in companies with the potential to commercialize therapies for CF.

Click here to view the article. (If you are unable to view the article, please contact us at

It is because of your support that we are able to fund research that could have a profound impact on the lives of those with CF. To help us continue funding life-saving research, please consider making a gift to the CF Foundation today.

Thank you for all you do to help us add tomorrows every day to the lives of those with CF.

Sincerely yours,

Robert J. Beall, Ph.D., President and CEO
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
6931 Arlington Road
Bethesda, MD 20814
(800) FIGHT CF
Find your local chapter

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