Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Weekend Home & Desperate Housewives

So I went home to Michigan this past weekend for four days. It was good to be home, and see my family and Annie. When I arrived Friday morning the weather was beautiful. We spent a little time at the mall, and I stopped in at the Gap I had worked at and talked for a moment. Nice to see old faces. We then traveled up to Ludington State Park. The colors have not peaked yet, but it was still beautiful. Driving along the river, you could see the salmon that had come up to spawn. It was pretty cool to see, especially with polarized lenses. We drove through the campgounds some, and saw a 1930s car with what we thought was an original Airstream camper. Pretty cool. We also took a walk by the water and through the dunes. Of course, Annie had to lead. Dad would go ahead to test her...and then she would start pulling and panting, desperate to get ahead. I told Mom that Annie had been telling me that she missed walking in the dunes over the summer...

The next day we headed to Grand Rapids. Mom and Dad needed to shop for a few things. Lakeshore's marching band was performing at the Jenison competition, and we bundled up to stay warm and dry and went. Its been a long time since I went to a band competition. Loads of memories came flooding back. They did well, and placed first in the division, third place overall. I did love the shows that Reeths Puffer and Jenison put on. They were just as showy as always. Reeths Puffer (which is the district my parents live in now) did an African show, and had placed 30 or so big African shields along the front. Near the beginning of the show, they pulled what you thought was the front off to display a much more colorful shield. It was gasp-inducing. And Jenison did a show on opposites and half their band wore white uniforms (wood-winds) and the other half black (brass and percussion). It was as if two different bands had come together to do a show. I didn't know where to look.

Our Sunday started off pretty eventful. We were going to the earlier service, and Mom and Dad were to leave earlier then me to practice with choir. Well, Mom overslept (she woke up with the alarm clock in her hand, and didn't even remember pressing snooze) and so drove me into church...until we hit a deer, a doe. The deer didn't even pause at the road, she was already running. We speculate that we hit her mid-jump, as she entered the road on the driver's side, and the passenger side of the car is what was damaged. The hood and the front panel on the passenger's side are damaged. Dad went back later with the sheriff to get a permit to take the deer home and process it. He joked later that the Georgia relatives come to visit and now he finds himself bringing home roadkill...mercifully, we figured out the deer died instantly, with a punctured lung and broken back. I did help him clean it out, which I have never done before.

Uncle Denny, Danette, Katie, Grandma and Grandpa came up for dinner and to see me. Mom cooked a turkey (I know, its awful close to Thanksgiving, but she had it in the freezer and said when would two people eat a turkey, anyway?). It was wonderful to see everyone.

Uncle Denny had left us a People magazine for one article about a hospice with a CF patient. So I was flipping through it, and near the end was a one page article on...Page Kennedy, the newest cast member of Desperate Housewives (the guy in the basement in chains). My jaw fell open, as I went to college with him. I know a castmember of Desperate Housewives! I helped costume him! We had taped the episode...and when I watched, there he was. How weird, to know him, on this hot show...Since then, I have talked to several friends, and they are equally incredulous. Not that he was bad at WMU(he could be very good when he was on), but could you know?

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