Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Car Insurance

One more thing...

Car insurance goes hand in hand with everything I am going through regarding my car. Yet--no one, except insurance agents, can really tell me much about it. What levels do I need? Why? What does this term mean, exactly? Their so-called definitions online sometimes confuse me even more then I was previously.

If you have no one knowledgable to go to, what do you do? Wander through, blindly, and never be really certain about what your agent is telling you? How do you know what they say is what you need?

I am so frustrated! I understand that I am slightly maligning my own Dad with this...but, honestly! Why is this never taught? Why are you not required in high school or college to take "What you need to know to get though in the real world concerning your insurance, finances, retirement, etc. 101"? NO ONE TEACHES THIS! Do other people just pick it up somewhere, somehow? Everything I read seems to contradict the other things I find. And, of course, being the internet, I certainly can't trust everything I read.

I just want to make a smart, informed decision about coverage for my car. Why does this have to be so difficult? I feel like I am running in circles. No wonder no one changes their coverage, its a huge hassle to figure out what is wrong, and what is right. Does anyone else have this problem? Or is it now that I finally have health insurance (through my job, yeah!), that I have to be confused and frustrated by another insurance in my life? Will someone just tell me, here, this is what you need so you won't get screwed if you have an accident. Someone I can trust, please?

Chad half laughs at me. He had to get his insurance fast, due to changing to Georgia, so he didn't have the time to agonize over this like me. But, does he really know if his coverage is enough? Who does? What is enough? Without killing me with premiums? Augh! Perhaps part of my problem has been time. I started this process over a month ago, and I feel more frustrated then when I started. Perhaps my problem is too much time to analyze, too much time to think and question.

Unfortunately, I can apply that last sentence to alot of things in my life...


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