Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My new boots

So I did it, I bought the boots today. And I am happy to announce that I got them for 50% off. Patience is a virtue.

Although, it was rather trying. I saw online that they were on sale yesterday, and proceeded down to the store on my break. But, wait! They were still only 30% off at the store. So much disappointment! So I decided I would just order them from online. And, of course, they were out of my size. Infuriation! I decided to print the page out to prove that they were indeed on sale, and go down there and try and convince them to match the price, seeing as I couldn't get them online. So off I went today, and low and behold! They were now on sale 50% off, too. So I bought them, and I am very happy about it.

Also happy because I will be flying home to Michigan for the weekend, to see my parents and Annie. They tell me it will be a miserable weekend weather-wise, cold and rainy. I'll have to borrow a coat, as mine are in Chad's storage unit. But, still, whatever the weather throws my way (as long as it isn't snow!), I'll be okay with it. It has been much harder this time be away from everyone, after all that has happened. So going home will be good.

1 comment:

Nichelle said...

Hey there Amanda! Congrats on getting a good deal on your shoes! :) Did you enjoy the weekend in Michigan? Sorry I haven't called you back... Things will settle down for me next semester! :) Take care! love ya!
~Your little sis