Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Finally! I have pictures to post of Edgar! Courtesy of my new digital camera (yeah! for getting a bonus--we made our month in April, and are on our way for May, too).

Friday, May 19, 2006

Book and recipe

Another update first, on Edgar...housetraining is making progress! He has gone downstairs to the front door several times now (on his own) to indicate that he has to go out. Yeah! He's been pretty good today, lots of nap time, which is great for me in that I can get some things done without keeping an eye on him. I think he really enjoyed being at Chris and Sarah's yesterday (fenced yard!), and I'm sure he will be pleased to go back tonight (Chad and I are dog-sitting this weekend). I'm not so sure about Davinci, though...he probably thinks he has rid himself of the puppy nuisance!

I read a book that was pretty good about a week or so ago. Nichole, I think you in particular will like it. I've been trying to expand my horizons in reading, and not stick with the same old familiar authors.

Full of Grace
by Dorothea Benton Frank
a William Morrow Book (an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers)

Grace has moved from New York to Charleston at the convincing of her father, who in his retirement has moved to Hilton Head. Grace's family is a piece of work...very strongly Italian. Her father and grandmother seem to walk all over her mother (and Nonna is Mom's mother, too!). Grace has sometimes difficult relations with her family, especially over their Catholic religion. She has been dating (and now lives with) a wonderful man named Michael who is a doctor that does...gasp!...stem cell research. Another black mark (to her family) is that he's Irish (not Italian) and has fallen away from the church. They have been together a couple years, and her family has yet to even meet Michael. Over the span of the book, things happen to Grace and Michael that cause both of them to question what they believe...with a little help from a few people.

I can't go into much detail, it gives away to much to do so. But its a good book, makes you look inside yourself and into what you believe. So, I recommend it.

And now, the recipe...I keep trying lately to find some new things to try. This was in Ali's Better Homes and Gardens 75th Anniversary edition. Both she and Chad proclaimed that they were very good.

Nun's Puffs
1/2 cup butter
1 cup milk
3/4 cup flour
4 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
honey (optional, we used it, it was great)

1. Generously grease twelve 2 1/2 in muffin cups, including the edge and around the top of each cup; set aside. In a medium saucepan melt butter; add milk. Bring to boiling. Add flour all at once, stirring vigorously. Cook and stir until mixture forms a ball that does not separate. Remove from heat; cool for 5 minutes.
2. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating for 1 minute with a wooden spoon after each addition or until smooth. Divide dough evenly amoung prepared muffin cups, filling cups about two-thirds full; sprinkle with sugar.
3. Bake in 375 degree oven about 30 minutes or until golden brown and puffy. Remove from pan. Serve immediately. If desired, serve with honey. ( I lightly drizzled honey over puff.)

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Dear Friend of the CF Foundation,

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation needs your assistance recruiting representatives to join the newly established Congressional Cystic Fibrosis Caucus. The caucus is co-chaired by two friends of the CF Foundation who are champions for people with CF: Rep. Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Rep. Cliff Stearns of Florida. You too can play a role in launching the Congressional CF Caucus and making it a success, by encouraging your representative to join.

A caucus is an informal group of legislators organized to promote a specific subject or issue. Caucuses operate outside the official Congressional committee structure, but can play an important role in stimulating collective action. The Congressional CF Caucus will serve as a forum for educating members of Congress about CF, prompting action on legislation related to CF research and care, and building general awareness of and support for CF research.

Please contact your representative to ask him/her to join the Congressional CF Caucus. We would like to have new caucus members on board by the middle of June, so we ask you to write or call your representative within the next few weeks. Click here for instructions on how to take action. This information is available at http://www.cff.org/legislative_action/cf_caucus/

Also, for an update on other CF Foundation public policy initiatives, you can click on "Update on Public Policy Activities" at the following link: http://www.cff.org/legislative_action/ Please do not hesitate to contact us at (800) FIGHT CF or publicpolicy@cff.org with any questions you might have.

Thank you for supporting the Congressional CF Caucus!


Suzanne R. Pattee, J.D.
Vice President of Public Policy & Patient Affairs
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, National Office
6931 Arlington Road
Bethesda, MD 20814

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New Member of Family

Sorry its been so long...but my Mom visited for a week (which was fantastic!) and I got a four month old puppy.

I adopted him a week and a half ago...and I have new respect for new parents. I know that having a new puppy is by no means as time consuming as parenthood, but it gives you a window into it. His name is Edgar, and he is 26 lbs (as of last Friday at the vet's) of fuzzy, black energy. He has this funny strip of smoother hair running down the center of his back, which I am assuming is the beginning of his adult hair. The foster home he was in thought he had some Keeshond in him, due the markings on his siblings. He could have some shepherd in him, but its still hard to tell. I think he'll be around 40 lbs, not as big as a Lab or German Shepard, but bigger than our Cocker Spaniels. Will post some pictures soon.

We are settling into some sort of a routine, including up at 6am every morning for a potty run and breakfast (for him). And lots and lots of walks, because I don't have a fenced yard for him to run in. Fortunately friends of ours do, so he will have some free time. Yesterday, I worked late, so Chad came by to let him out (but don't let that deceive you...he loves spending time with Edgar). He had quite a night with him, I guess. He said he was going nuts inside, just tons of energy to expend. Chad will run with him some (and when we are at the park, he is explosive...rocket dog!)...but last night, somehow Chad didn't have a good grip on the leash and Edgar was running and pulled away. So Chad was running after him, and he's not easy to see, being a black dog. So he said he was following the flapping red leash. And evidently he has a special affinity for a certain tree, and made a beeline for it, where Chad caught up with him. He then proceeded to take him around our townhouse loop four times, running (4/10ths of a mile, once around), so almost two miles, not including what they had already done. Needless to say, Edgar is great for getting both of us in shape.

More to follow...almost time for another walk.