Saturday, June 17, 2006


I am happy to report that I have my first little red cherry tomato from my potted plants! So far things have gone pretty well. I have had to water pretty much every night to keep the soil moist, for it has been very dry here (the last significant rains seemed to be when I picked up Edgar) and pretty warm.

Also, at Shelly's request, I have a picture of me with Edgar, so she can see how big he is. Chad has been reading the Cesar Milan book, Cesar's Way. So far (with him, anyway), he has Edgar walking on leash much better.

We went this past week to Screen on the Green here at Piedmont Park in Atlanta. Ferris Bueller was showing. It was packed...last time I went there was no where near that many people. We took Edgar (he did really good), and meet up with my roommate and some of her MBA friends.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Mom's Bandana

My Mom, the ever creative one, created this cute bandana for Edgar (its hard to see, but there are little dogs all over the fabric). I imagine her project was easier then mine, which was trying to take a picture of him wearing it while being home alone. He sits just fine, but stay is still a foreign concept for him, and as you can imagine, this made the picture taking a little difficult. I had a couple treats, to get his attention, but I think that it made things worse in that he was desperate to get to them. Anyway, he is super cute in it, and we wore it out to Petsmart this evening.

As for me, things are going fine. Nothing to exciting to report (other than running over a possom close to I-85 while on the phone with Nichole, I felt so awful!). I booked my tickets today to go home for Kristen's wedding, am leaving very early Friday morning and returning Monday evening. Will be nice to see everyone and be home for a weekend (and see a proper lake! Did you know that Georgia has no naturally occuring lakes?). I still don't know if I can make it home for my high school reunion in September, however much I would like to go. There is a chance Amber (one of my assistant managers) may be heading out to help open up another store...and if that's the case, I probably won't be able to make it. And I do want to go, see some old friends, etc. I will try though, Jaimee, I swear!

I actually had this last weekend off (trying to schedule so that my managers and I actually get that once in a while) and turned the weekend into "Chad's birthday weekend." We went over to Athens, GA on Saturday and bummed around. Ate an entirely too large Cold Stone Creamery concoction. But it was so good! Walked and drove around UGA some, its a beautiful campus, especially the older part. I had no idea that the campus was so huge, or how old the university was.

That evening we meet up with Chris and Sarah, and attempted to go bowling. But where we stopped was crazy loud and busy, and we decided to change our destination to Dave and Buster's. Chad was thrilled to see a PGA superstore had moved in next door...we had a lot of fun, we always do there. Its so easy to drop a good chunk of change there, what with the food, drinks and games. We go infrequently, so its not so bad. Oh, and I had one big accomplishment for the night...I actually hit the 100 spot in skee ball! First time ever for me! Sunday we bummed around some, and went shopping for some new clothes for Chad, just some basics like jeans, tees, etc. I was good, and didn't buy anything for me.

On his actual birthday, Monday, we had planned to go to a restaurant we liked in Decatur, called Noodle (really good, and reasonable), followed by Cold Stone (you can sign up for a free birthday creation), but were too tired, and just went to one of the closest restaurants, a Longhorn Steakhouse. I've never eaten there before, but my roommate loves it. And we had a free dessert coupon! I actually ordered a steak (you can pick your jaw up off the floor, Dad), and now I'm set, won't need to do that again for six months to a year. I can't help it, I still have to suppress thoughts that I am eating cow muscle...and ended the evening with the fantastic chocolate cookie dough cheesecake. Yum...