Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Homecoming Reception

Well, it seems we have finally set a date for our homecoming reception, March 14th. Yea! This is still a difficult time of year for Chad to get away...but it is beginning to seem like all parts of the year are hard for him to leave.

We are now trying to figure out when and how I will get there. I would like to be able to visit longer then he is able, so we are looking into flights for me. Which, so far, have been unfortunately expensive. We may try to use some frequent flier miles. So, in a perfect world, I will get there on Wednesday the 11th, and leave with him on Monday the 16th. We hope to be able to bring Edgar with...it sounds like Mom needs a doggie fix.

Tomorrow is invitation day...yippee! I am wondering what I got myself into, after DIYing our wedding invitations. At least this time I have a template and just need to print and assemble. Famous last words, right?