Thursday, March 16, 2006


I am watching a show on the SciFi channel, which one is not important. They are advertising for a British show to appear on the channel, Dr. Who. Don't know much about it, but the main character asks, "would you rather go backwards or forwards in time?". As a vacation, or something, I guess.

So...which would you rather? Backwards or forwards?

Monday, March 13, 2006

Trash in the yard

I admit, I take a slightly circuitous way to my job. But, I do so for a reason: avoid busier roads with more stop lights. And the mostly crowded Atlanta highways. And for the most part, I drive through normal suburbia: nice houses with decent yards, big trees, and the occasional apartment complex and shopping center. But, since late last week, there has been a puzzle...

On the second to last suburban road that I take, Clairmont, in a pretty nice neighborhood (some truly large yards, which if you are familiar at all with ITP Atlanta, is rare), there is what looks to be an entire households contents dumped onto the front yard. And its not even as if they just opened the front door and threw things out, these items are a ways from the house, close and right up the main road, which gets a good deal of traffic. My Dad says, after I mentioned it to him, that someone probably got evicted. Which is probably true...but as Chad (especially) would tell you, I'm a curious soul. So I want to know, but I know I probably never will.

What does the clutter consist of? Well, lots and lots of paper. And furniture, tossed all helter skelter, on its side or upside down. I have only seen two people in and amongst this stuff. All told, about 50'x50'. So, lots of stuff. The first one looked to be a smallish lady, just wandering about the stuff, a day or so after everything appeared. The second was a man, from what I assumed was his SUV parked in the driveway. Neither seemed to be taking anything, or looking for something specific, just wandering around in it.

Even if this was an eviction, it seems so sad, all these things. Someone's life just dumped unceremoniously in a yard, for the whole world to drive by, see, and speculate. And the things themselves seem so lost, too. You almost want to avert your eyes, in embarassment for the people and things involved. I wish it would get cleaned up...this little tragedy on my way to work.