Monday, November 21, 2005

The Coolest Commercial

Scott sent me a link to the most wonderful commercial. It involves hundreds of thousands of super balls, otherwise known as bouncy balls, coming down several San Francisco streets. I watched it more then once, and I bet you will, too.

Andruw Jones

Look at me...with the Braves' Andruw Jones! He visited our store today at Lenox Mall in Atlanta. I have a signed baseball, too! See what working in a cool store for a great company can get you? And lucky him--he got to go home with lots of great Oakley merchandise! I can't imagine making the money he does, and then also be able to walk into a store and pick out stuff without having to pay for it. My dream! Only I would rather have shoes...

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Perfect Nursing Home?

Leave it to the Irish to come up with the perfect add-on to a nursing home:

Mon Nov 14, 1:16 PM ET

DUBLIN (Reuters) - A nursing home in Ireland has hit on a cheering way to keep up the spirits of its elderly patients -- by providing its own pub.

St Mary's Hospital in County Monaghan, near the Irish border with Northern Ireland, believes ready access to a good pint may help its patients -- average age 85 -- actually live longer.

"We would say the whole social aspect of life does extend the years -- it means the patients aren't bored to death," Rose Mooney, assistant director of nursing told Reuters.

The pub, which opens at 11 a.m. and closes at 9 p.m. and charges normal bar prices, had also led to an increase in the number of visitors, she said.

Having its own bar made the hospital, which has around 140 patients, unique in Ireland, she added.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Headaches and Halloween

So yesterday was Halloween (also Knock Knock Joke Day: Knock Knock. Who's there? Vida. Vida who? Vida you talk like that? I know, its awful...). I had bought a bright red wig with horns on Sunday to wear to work on Monday. People would walk by the store, glance in, and do a second take and then smile. Fun.

Our house (of four apartments) was doing Halloween jointly, and it was a good thing I got home when I did, as we had the candy and no one had a key to get in to it but me, seeings as my roommates weren't home. So I released the candy, and heated up the beef barley soup Gina had made for all of us, and we sat on the front porch steps, waiting for the kiddies. Chad and I had carved pumpkins yesterday, following a book that had come with the carving tools. He did an "easy" one of a witch in profile holding a pumpkin, while mine was "moderate" of four ghoulie monsters. I forgot how much work goes into pumpkin carving! Both pumpkins were a hit however, as almost everyone mentioned them. At first it was just three of us: Chad, I, and my upstairs neighbor Jenna. Lots of kids, they were all so cute! Good thing we had a huge cauldren of candy.

I had originally taken off my wig, as it was giving me a headache after wearing it all day. I eventually put it back on, and my headache increased. Now, this is not an isolated problem. Stating this summer, I have been experiencing increasingly more headaches. Not isolated, either, sometimes a couple a week or more. And painful. I do take over-the-counter headache medicine, and it helps somewhat. After Chad left, I had to leave the festivities and our friends early, as it had gone from being just an ordinary headache to a full-blown problem. I took some medicine, and crawled into bed early. And proceeded to wake up with the headache still present this morning. I am going to begin tracking them, to see if they are related in some way. I really do need to visit a doctor, I guess. This has become an increasing problem. Sometimes I wonder if its the house, with a possibility of mold and other things in it, due to the dirt basement and old house. Who know? I just can't keep this up.